Friday, March 23, 2007

Survival Camp 2007 - Tze Hui

I would say it was rather an eye-opening experience for me as this is my first time being a counsellor for a camp. The events planned out were brillant especially the structure experience which I thought was a really a cool and innovative idea. Although the kids may have been disobedient at times, I guess that's when the challenging parts come for us as a counsellors.

It had been tiring for the counsellors for those 4 days but I believe every of us did a good job throughout the camp, and more or less everyone did learn a few new life-learning things after this camp. Not just that, I believe the kids learnt things from the camp too, be it from us or from the events they participated in. Lastly this camp will not just be a memory for me, but an opportunity for me to explore within my own self.

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